Dream Interpretation

Semester Project

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This semester project was about using typography to visually represent these dream interpretations according to Sigmund. We dream in pictures, but we read in texts.

The Interpretation of Dreams is a work by Sigmund Freud that brings together the foundations of psychoanalysis. It discusses the unconscious, repression, the Oedipus conflict, making unconscious conflicts conscious as a therapeutic method, and the model of the psychic apparatus. Freud argues that dreams have meaning that can be decoded through analysis. In dreams, unacceptable desires are expressed, often associated with childish desires. However, these are distorted to protect the dreamer from unpleasant feelings. The analysis of dreams makes it possible to become aware of unconscious desires and resistance to them, as well as the childish origins of one's psyche.

190mm x 255mm, Softcover

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